Coaching & consulting

Orange Star

Empowering women to navigate life, parenting and work wholeheartedly.

About Me

Hi, I'm Sharne Fairbrother. I've spent the last six years (and counting) navigating the rollercoaster of life, parenting and work. Along the way I've dived deeply into a wide range of wellbeing practices, certified as a breakthrough coach and discovered my passion for supporting other women on this journey.

I've also spent almost 20 years working in HR roles in corporates, start-ups and community organisations. I know many organisations want to realise the benefits of a truly diverse and inclusive workforce but feel stuck as to how best to support their talented women. Bringing my experience to the table, along with my human-centred design and coaching expertise, I'm able to provide tailored consulting support to organisations who are committed to empowering women to thrive.

Consulting to organisations

For women, navigating life, active parenting and work is a marathon that spans 20+ years of their career. Yet many organisations treat it like a sprint, putting in place a generous approach to parental leave and then wondering why they are still facing challenges retaining and growing their pipeline of talented women.

I work with organisations who want to build strong representation of women at each layer of their leadership pipeline by ensuring the key moments that matter in their employee experience are designed to enable them.

This may take the form of:

  • undertaking a diagnostic of your employee experience to identify key barriers to the growth and retention of your talented women.
  • taking a human-centred design approach to re-designing elements of your employee experience. I can either lead the delivery of these initiatives or mentor people within your team to do so.
  • facilitating programmes for cohorts of women, incorporating group coaching and 1:1 sessions.
  • coaching for individual employees or allies.
  • delivering workshops or keynotes for away days or company conferences.

Coaching with individuals

Being on my own journey of navigating life, parenting and work I know what it's like to feel:

  • Stuck as to how to achieve your shifting career goals or progress to the next level.
  • Weighed down by imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs.
  • Challenged by a new phase of the juggle, just when you thought you had it figured out.
  • Desperate for a sense of calm and ease that feels so far from reach.
  • Unsure how to navigate returning back to paid work after parental leave or time out of the workforce.

My ontological approach to coaching focuses on your way of being in the world. I dig beyond your decisions, behaviours, thoughts and feelings to help you build a deep awareness of who you are at your core. With this awareness you have the choice to develop more empowering ways of being, let go of limiting beliefs, get clear on what you really want and then make it happen.

I am also a Being Profile practitioner and may suggest using this tool to support you to grow your awareness.

I provide coaching virtually throughout NZ and in-person within the Wellington and Wairarapa regions. I am a member of the Australia and New Zealand Coaching Alliance

One off 60 minute sessions are $150 | 5 x 60 minute sessions $700 | 10 x 60 minute sessions $1350

Get in touch

I'd love to discuss a tailored consulting or coaching approach with you. Please send me an email to tee up a time to connect.


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